Lincoln to Des Moines. Des Moines to Michigan. Doesn't sound too hard does it? 13 hours. On a charter bus with 100 sorority girls? Yeah, that was my weekend.
5:15am - Wake up (after going to bed at 1:30am)
5:30am - Load bus
5:45am - Depart Lincoln, head to Des Moines to pick up Drake and Iowa State ADPi chapters.
9:45am - Arrive at Drake. Get situated. Back on the road.
(spend a bajillion hours driving trying to sleep on an uncomfy bus with 100 girls gabbing)
7:45pm - Arrive at mall in Michigan, Eat at a super sketch Chinese place.
*Note to readers, DO NOT eat Chinese at a mall in Michigan, no matter how many free samples they try to stuff down your throat, JUST SAY NO!
8:20pm - Back on the bus
8:45pm - FINALLY REACH HOTEL!!!!!!
9:00pm - Get into hotel room and realize we have ONE bed, for 4 girls. Fail Ypsilanti Marriott, absolute fail. You booked a sorority conference, common sense much?
10:30pm - Meeting with District Leadership Team
11:45pm - Meeting over.
2:00am - SLEEP!!!
Alpha Delta Pi-Alpha Epsilon University of Nebraska-Lincoln
District Leadership Conference 2011 Ypsilanti, Michigan
8:00am - Wake up
8:55am - Be all pretty, preppy, and sorority like in the conference room.
9:00am - Welcome session. Chant, cheer, and be WAY too energetic for 9:00am
12:00pm - Lunch break.
1:00pm - Break out sessions
2:30pm - Next break out session
4:00pm - Final break out session
5:30pm - Dinner break.
Or for me time to go to my hotel room and resume the fetal position because of the bad Chinese I ate yesterday or my body continuing to hate me and making me feel like I'm going to die. Ugh, stupid Michigan.
7:30pm - Evening session
9:00pm - Province break out session
10:00pm - Done for the day!
2:00am - Sleep.
Alpha Epsilon with Ashlyn! Best leadership consultant ever! AE LOVES YOU!!!
8:00am - Wake up
8:55am - More chant, cheers, sorority behavior. :)
9:00am - Welcome session
10:00am - Awards
11:00am - Closing ceremony
11:30am - Back aboard the bus
Spend hours driving through snow, rain, sleet, bumper to bumper traffic, crazy drivers, etc.
12:30am - Back in good ole Lincoln, Nebraska.
Long weekend. But I learned tons and had a beyond wonderful time with my girls. :)
First. Finest. Forever.
We Live For Each Other
Alpha Delta Pi
My favorite part? No matter how many samples they try to stuff down your throat hahahahhaa.