Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And so it begins...

 I'm new to this whole blogging world, so we will see how this goes.

There's been a lot going on in my life lately, which has proven me to be the busiest 19 year old on the planet! But I can't really whine too much about it, I can say no to things I just choose not to. I love to be busy, but sometimes I wonder wonder whether this lifestyle is going to help or hinder me in the future.

Currently, I'm an intern for the Department of Justice or more so the Attorney General's Office downtown in the mediation department. (I know, sounds fancy doesn't it?) I'm in my 2nd week of the job and love it! I could do without the waking up at 6:30am every day after going to be at 2:00am, but hey welcome to the life of a college student who is taking 16 credit hours, working 15 hours, interning for 10 hours, sorority, and trying to maintain a somewhat put together social life. I'm sure after reading that you all think I'm crazy....which in some sense, is very true.

The thing that gets me through everyday is just remembering that it's all going to pan out in the end. I can't wait to overcome the odds that everyone has set against me. Let's face it, the goals I have set for myself in some people's eyes are very unrealistic.

                 1. President of the United States
                 2. Supreme Court Justice 
                 3. Prosecuting Attorney 
                 4. Successful Politician 
                 5. State Senator/Mayor

 I can't even count how many times people have told me I'm not going to make it. Little do they know that just motivates me more. I plan to overcome the odds and prove to people that I'm not just some midwestern sorority girl. I want to do big things with my future. and I will. 

(Philippians 4:13)  I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

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