Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE! I hope you all have an AMAZING day with the one's you love! <3

This is the day every year where I realize I will ALWAYS be a hopeless romantic. ALWAYS. But hey, there's nothing wrong with a little romance, right? :) I wouldn't mind if anyone did something like this for me. :)

1. Midnight Picnic. Plan a midnight picnic under the stars. Get a picnic basket and fill it with goodies and aphrodisiacs. Bring a tape player and play romantic music while you eat, and save a song or two for dancing.
2. Day Trip. Take a day trip to a small town near you and make plans to hit all the romantic spots in that town. Make sure to bring a camera and take lots of shots of your lover, and have someone take shots of you two together. 
3. Go Sailing. Go to the lake and take a sailing journey for a couple of hours with your lover. There's something romantic about sailing across the water and feeling the breeze blowing through your hair. Pack a picnic lunch and lounge in the sun as you cruise across the water. 
4. Ice Skating. Take your sweetheart to an outdoor ice skating rink or a lake that has been designated as safe for ice skating. This can be extremely fun and romantic, especially if one of you needs help standing on skates!
5. Horseback Riding. Saddle up and take your date on an unforgettable ride on a horse. This can be especially romantic if you take a leisurely ride through the woods.
6. Cook Dinner Together. Plan a special meal that both of you can prepare together. French cuisine might be a good choice! Kitchen romance can be great foreplay to a fantastic evening together. 
7. Day at an Amusement Park. Children have a way of truly having fun. Get in touch with the child within, and grab your partner and spend a day at an amusement park. Go all out and buy cotton candy, ride the wild rides and have a ball! 
8. Have your Picture Taken Together. Find one of those booths in a mall where you can get cozy and close and have some snapshots taken. Get creative with your poses!!
9. Have a Masquerade Party. Invite all your friends to a masquerade party. Plan a theme, maybe even a century (the renaissance period) and have everyone dress up according to that time period. Have various activities and games planned. Make it romantic as well as mysterious.
10. Rain Dance. Next Time it rains, plan to go out in it with your lover just to play barefooted in it! (probably the BEST IDEA yet!!!) 
Here are some ideas if you and your love can't decide what to do on this special day! 


"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” -Morrie Schwartz

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