I know I'm going to sound like a broken record when I say this, because I've pretty much mentioned it on every blog I've done, but I don't care.
Seriously this past week has been a lot of scary ups and downs for me and I can honestly say I would not have been able to get through it without my amazing friends.
There were a few times when I literally thought,
I can't do this anymore. My only choice is to give up.
But here's the awesome thing about my friends, they would NEVER let me do that. I've never met a group of people that have loved and cared for me as much as these people do and literally i'm floored by you all.
I know to those of you who had to coach me through this week were probably a little annoyed with my pessimistic attitude and continuing to see everything in a negative light, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for not hanging up the phone and telling me to suck it up, greatly appreciated. :)
When I'm whining and moaning about how much I have to do. When I'm complaining about the little amount of sleep I got. When I'm freaking out because I don't know how on Earth I'm going to add something else to my to do list. When I'm crying because the stress has gotten so bad I can't even comprehend a way to handle it. You're there. Each and everyone of you. Giving me guidance, assuring me that everything is going to be okay, and telling me to TAKE A BREAK!
Sometimes I think I really don't deserve it. What did I do that would possess God to surround me with such wonderful people? Whatever it was, I'm beyond glad He did. :)
I love you all to the very depth of my soul and I know that this blog post doesn't even begin to do you justice with how awesome you guys are. But just so you know, even when I'm whining about life and driving you crazy because you have to continue to tell me the same things over and over....
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