Tuesday, August 28, 2012


So this semester I am taking a class entitled "Introduction to Writing Poetry." Now those of you who know me will think, "Wow, totally not surprised Sabrina is taking this class." :) But others of you who REALLY know me will think, "Why is Sabrina taking INTRODUCTION to Writing Poetry? She's been writing since elementary school.

Well I have an answer for all of you, actually a couple answers. The first one being, it's my senior year of college and I needed an EASY A to graduate and the second one being, it never should be considered a bad thing to "re-learn" a craft that you have loved for years. 

In my opinion, poetry can not be taught. Yes, you can tell me the FORM of how some people write or the WORDS that most famous poets use, but poetry is a craft and that is the exact reason why I feel in love with it so many years ago. I can write about whatever I want, exactly how I want to write it and it's not wrong! 

Anyways, the purpose of this blog is to display the pieces of work I am being assigned to write for this class along with the revisions I make throughout the semester. I'm making this my own personal journal of poetry that I get to share with everyone else who wants to read it. :) 

For this first poem we were required to have images, similes, and metaphors. Other than that the subject, title, and length were ours to decide. Enjoy! P.S. This poem is merely fictional, I am just really good at writing about relationships, I think it comes with being a young female adult. :P

Trying is the Hardest Part
She shuffles through the old photos
reminiscing the past.

Tears fog the lenses of her glasses
pondering why they couldn't last.

The dew sets on the window
like newly fallen snow.

She peers out towards the sunrise
wondering if he will ever know.

If he will know the way he said goodbye
was like daggers through her heart.

And the fact that she never could have dreamed this,
or think she would have to make a new start.

If he will know the way he kissed her
made her stomach flutter away.

She dialed his number into her phone
but couldn't find the words to say.

The words to say I miss you or
I hate that we broke up.

Instead she put the pictures away
and poured another cup.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Prayers, Prayers, and More Prayers

You know those times where you have to watch the people you love go through such devastating circumstances and think there's nothing you can do? That's how I've been feeling lately. 

Yeah, yeah I can say all this inspirational stuff and post all those uplifting sayings from Pinterest, but is that enough? Will that really make their pain go away? Of course not. But it's the thought that counts, right?

Watching my friends go through these situations just helps me realize that we must live every day to the fullest. Live like it's your last. Reach for the stars. And don't listen to anyone that tells you you're not good enough. 

Please pray for my best friend's baby girl, Hayden Faith. She had her fourth open heart surgery a week ago today and is experiencing some minor complications. Pray for strength for not only Hayden, but her parents and siblings as well. 

Miss Hayden Faith Cech, the strongest, bravest, most adorable little girl I have ever met. ;)

Also asking everyone to please keep the Foote family in your prayers and surround them with love and support while they mourn the loss of their beautiful baby girl Abby Jo. 

The most beautiful angel in heaven, Abigail Johanna Foote, RIP Sweet, Beautiful girl :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Did You Know?

1. I am IN LOVE with music. Seriously, it's my life.
2. My favorite color is pink, and has pretty much been that way since I was born.
3. I really dislike how generic my middle name is: Marie = the most common middle name in the world.
4. I plan to have 3 children, and I have all their names picked out already....
5. Which leads me to this, I'm pretty much always 2 steps ahead of the game. It's how I roll.
6. I love to give gifts, especially homemade ones. The ones that come from the heart are the best. :)
7. My friends are my LIFE. Without them I would be no where in life.
8. Once you meet me you will be well aware that I have a very high self esteem (not the rude kind, I know my limits)
9. I was born to be on stage. Singing though, when I have to act I freak out!
10. I have two little brothers that I would do anything for. Sean Michael and Skylar Marshall <3
11. I tend to take things way too personally.
12. I used to wear my heart on my sleeve, but I've become a little less naive about matters of the heart nowadays.
13. Most of my friends call me Bri, but I'll answer to Sabrina as well...sometimes. :)
14. Sabrina Buckwald and Kendall Culbertson for President and Vice President 2032. Watch out America, here comes trouble. :D
15. My family is my rock. We've had some rough times, but no matter what they will always be there for me. I love them. <3

Hope you guys feel like you know me a little better now! Happy Wednesday!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Summer 2011; let the mischief begin. :D

WOAH, it's been awhile. I finally have time to blog again because...


So here it is, my summer Bucket List, let's see how many things I can actually cross off of it!

SUMMER 2011 Bucket List

1. Work out at least 5 days a week
2. Go to the pool at least 2 times a week (when they open of course)
3. Work 30-40 hours a week and make moooneeyyyy!
4. Spend as much time with the most incredible friends a girl can ask for!
5. Go to the Omaha zoo with my amazing boy. :)
6. Go visit Audrey, Kristen, and Lauren in Omaha as many times as physically possible! (I MISS YOU LADIES!!!!)
7. Read books, and lots of them, for FUN! My goal is 70 for the summer, but we will see. :)
(P.S. If anyone has any suggestions as far as what to read, let me know!)
8. Get a 2nd job!
9. Go camping!!

Happy Summer 2011 everyone! Let's make it count! :D

Thursday, March 3, 2011

In so many ways, Your love has saved the day.

"Don't take much for this crazy world to rob me of my peace
And the enemy of my soul says You're holding out on me
So I stand here lifting empty hands for You to fill me up again."

Ain't that the truth? Let's be honest, this world is not perfect.
We face trials and tribulations every single day.
But we can't let that effect how we live our lives.
We need to learn to sweat the small stuff and laugh it off.

"But it's the time in between, that I fall down to my knees
Waiting on what you'll bring, and the things I can't see
I know my song's incomplete, still I'll sing in the time in between."

Don't be afraid to mess up.
Be goofy.
Take a day and do nothing.
Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.
Be patient.
Expect and except the unknown.
Be open to new challenges.
Do something nice for a stranger.
Sing your heart out.
Fall in love.
Don't be afraid.
Enjoy the ride.

And last but not least...


Even when you think you've hit your final straw. When you think you can't take it anymore. When you feel like giving up is the only choice. When you feel like no one will listen.

He will.

"If someone were to follow in your footsteps, what path would you be leading them down?"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I am a lucky girl. :)

I know I'm going to sound like a broken record when I say this, because I've pretty much mentioned it on every blog I've done, but I don't care.


Seriously this past week has been a lot of scary ups and downs for me and I can honestly say I would not have been able to get through it without my amazing friends.

There were a few times when I literally thought,

I can't do this anymore. My only choice is to give up.

But here's the awesome thing about my friends, they would NEVER let me do that. I've never met a group of people that have loved and cared for me as much as these people do and literally i'm floored by you all.

I know to those of you who had to coach me through this week were probably a little annoyed with my pessimistic attitude and continuing to see everything in a negative light, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for not hanging up the phone and telling me to suck it up, greatly appreciated. :)

When I'm whining and moaning about how much I have to do. When I'm complaining about the little amount of sleep I got. When I'm freaking out because I don't know how on Earth I'm going to add something else to my to do list. When I'm crying because the stress has gotten so bad I can't even comprehend a way to handle it. You're there. Each and everyone of you. Giving me guidance, assuring me that everything is going to be okay, and telling me to TAKE A BREAK!

Sometimes I think I really don't deserve it. What did I do that would possess God to surround me with such wonderful people? Whatever it was, I'm beyond glad He did. :)

I love you all to the very depth of my soul and I know that this blog post doesn't even begin to do you justice with how awesome you guys are. But just so you know, even when I'm whining about life and driving you crazy because you have to continue to tell me the same things over and over....


Thursday, February 24, 2011


Goodness it's been a tough week. I've never been so mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted all at once.

I will be the first to admit, I'm a people pleaser. I'm not ashamed of it, but sometimes it can really take its toll on a person. I love to make people feel better and am beyond blessed that my friends trust me enough to come talk to me and listen to my advice.

But I have to realize that I AM NOT PERFECT. No matter how bad I want to be, it's just not going to happen.

Believe me I have my fair share of days

 where I don't have the answers
where I don't have the right advice
 where I feel like I've failed my friends
where I can't seem to do anything right
where I feel like the world is caving in on me
....where I feel like I have no where to turn.

CAN'T let that define me. I NEED to embrace my flaws. I HAVE to prove to myself that even though I can't obtain perfectionism....

CAN be the perfect ME.

Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than perfect
Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothing
You're perfect to me
--Perfect By P!nk
(Pink, you're preaching to the choir girl.)

learn what doesn't work first, then see how you can make it better.