Tuesday, August 28, 2012


So this semester I am taking a class entitled "Introduction to Writing Poetry." Now those of you who know me will think, "Wow, totally not surprised Sabrina is taking this class." :) But others of you who REALLY know me will think, "Why is Sabrina taking INTRODUCTION to Writing Poetry? She's been writing since elementary school.

Well I have an answer for all of you, actually a couple answers. The first one being, it's my senior year of college and I needed an EASY A to graduate and the second one being, it never should be considered a bad thing to "re-learn" a craft that you have loved for years. 

In my opinion, poetry can not be taught. Yes, you can tell me the FORM of how some people write or the WORDS that most famous poets use, but poetry is a craft and that is the exact reason why I feel in love with it so many years ago. I can write about whatever I want, exactly how I want to write it and it's not wrong! 

Anyways, the purpose of this blog is to display the pieces of work I am being assigned to write for this class along with the revisions I make throughout the semester. I'm making this my own personal journal of poetry that I get to share with everyone else who wants to read it. :) 

For this first poem we were required to have images, similes, and metaphors. Other than that the subject, title, and length were ours to decide. Enjoy! P.S. This poem is merely fictional, I am just really good at writing about relationships, I think it comes with being a young female adult. :P

Trying is the Hardest Part
She shuffles through the old photos
reminiscing the past.

Tears fog the lenses of her glasses
pondering why they couldn't last.

The dew sets on the window
like newly fallen snow.

She peers out towards the sunrise
wondering if he will ever know.

If he will know the way he said goodbye
was like daggers through her heart.

And the fact that she never could have dreamed this,
or think she would have to make a new start.

If he will know the way he kissed her
made her stomach flutter away.

She dialed his number into her phone
but couldn't find the words to say.

The words to say I miss you or
I hate that we broke up.

Instead she put the pictures away
and poured another cup.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Prayers, Prayers, and More Prayers

You know those times where you have to watch the people you love go through such devastating circumstances and think there's nothing you can do? That's how I've been feeling lately. 

Yeah, yeah I can say all this inspirational stuff and post all those uplifting sayings from Pinterest, but is that enough? Will that really make their pain go away? Of course not. But it's the thought that counts, right?

Watching my friends go through these situations just helps me realize that we must live every day to the fullest. Live like it's your last. Reach for the stars. And don't listen to anyone that tells you you're not good enough. 

Please pray for my best friend's baby girl, Hayden Faith. She had her fourth open heart surgery a week ago today and is experiencing some minor complications. Pray for strength for not only Hayden, but her parents and siblings as well. 

Miss Hayden Faith Cech, the strongest, bravest, most adorable little girl I have ever met. ;)

Also asking everyone to please keep the Foote family in your prayers and surround them with love and support while they mourn the loss of their beautiful baby girl Abby Jo. 

The most beautiful angel in heaven, Abigail Johanna Foote, RIP Sweet, Beautiful girl :)