Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Did You Know?

1. I am IN LOVE with music. Seriously, it's my life.
2. My favorite color is pink, and has pretty much been that way since I was born.
3. I really dislike how generic my middle name is: Marie = the most common middle name in the world.
4. I plan to have 3 children, and I have all their names picked out already....
5. Which leads me to this, I'm pretty much always 2 steps ahead of the game. It's how I roll.
6. I love to give gifts, especially homemade ones. The ones that come from the heart are the best. :)
7. My friends are my LIFE. Without them I would be no where in life.
8. Once you meet me you will be well aware that I have a very high self esteem (not the rude kind, I know my limits)
9. I was born to be on stage. Singing though, when I have to act I freak out!
10. I have two little brothers that I would do anything for. Sean Michael and Skylar Marshall <3
11. I tend to take things way too personally.
12. I used to wear my heart on my sleeve, but I've become a little less naive about matters of the heart nowadays.
13. Most of my friends call me Bri, but I'll answer to Sabrina as well...sometimes. :)
14. Sabrina Buckwald and Kendall Culbertson for President and Vice President 2032. Watch out America, here comes trouble. :D
15. My family is my rock. We've had some rough times, but no matter what they will always be there for me. I love them. <3

Hope you guys feel like you know me a little better now! Happy Wednesday!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Summer 2011; let the mischief begin. :D

WOAH, it's been awhile. I finally have time to blog again because...


So here it is, my summer Bucket List, let's see how many things I can actually cross off of it!

SUMMER 2011 Bucket List

1. Work out at least 5 days a week
2. Go to the pool at least 2 times a week (when they open of course)
3. Work 30-40 hours a week and make moooneeyyyy!
4. Spend as much time with the most incredible friends a girl can ask for!
5. Go to the Omaha zoo with my amazing boy. :)
6. Go visit Audrey, Kristen, and Lauren in Omaha as many times as physically possible! (I MISS YOU LADIES!!!!)
7. Read books, and lots of them, for FUN! My goal is 70 for the summer, but we will see. :)
(P.S. If anyone has any suggestions as far as what to read, let me know!)
8. Get a 2nd job!
9. Go camping!!

Happy Summer 2011 everyone! Let's make it count! :D